
Troubleshooting is the process of analyzing the operation or behavior of a faulty circuit for the purpose of determining what is wrong with that circuit. This process then involves identifying the faulty electrical component for the purpose of repairing that component(s).it can be very challenging to troubleshoot an electrical component. There are many different reasons that an electrical component might malfunction. There are times when the problem is visible and easily repaired. However, there are also times when the defective electrical component and well as the symptoms can be very difficult to diagnose for many different reasons. For example, an intermittent problem that is caused by a high resistance can be very difficult to locate while a defective relay that has visual signs of burning can be rather easy to find.

Expert troubleshooters have an expert knowledge of electrical component’s operation that are used in electrical circuits regardless if they are familiar with the electrical components or not. They use an approach or system that allows them to systemically and logically analyze an electrical circuit and determine the cause of the problem. They also have a knowledgeable of how to effectively use tools such as testing instruments, diagrams, and electrical schematics to identify components that are defective. It is also very important that the expert troubleshooter has the ability to locate literally any electrical problem in a reasonable amount of time. Expert troubleshooters also need to have the ability to only replace the defective component(s). Usually, expert troubleshooters have had sufficient time and experience to refine and develop their skill of troubleshooting.

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There is a sense of urgency when an electrical component is defective. The reason for this sense of urgency is that there is a need to get the electrical equipment up and running again. For example, an entire assembly line could be shut down as a result of a defective electrical component. This might result in lost revenue and unexpected time off for employees. This can result in a considerable amount of pressure to be applied to repairing the electrical problem quickly and getting that assembly line up and running again