Woodinville Electricians

If you are looking for a reliable Woodinville electrician, look no further. Give us a call @ (206) 227-3237. Get a compentent certified master electrician at your door.

The high level of expertise of our electricians is something you can count on. There is nothing like a local electrician in Woodinville, who can be there when you need him/her.

About Woodinville Washington

Woodinville, Washington is located in King County. Woodinville is part of the Seattle metropolitan region. Woodinville had a population of 10,938 according to the 2010 census which represents a 19.00% increase in population since 2000. There are 5,324 or 48.70% of the residents who are male and 5,614, or 51.30% of the residents who are female. The median age of the residents in Woodinville is 38.9 years old as compared to the median age of the residents of Washington of 46.6 years old. In 2009, the estimated median income of the residents of Woodinville was $86.925, as compared to $68.114 in 2000 and the estimated median income of the residents of Washington State of $56,548. In 2009, the estimated income per capita was $40,628. In 2009, the estimated median value of a condo or a house in Woodinville was $452,018 as compares to $254,200 in 2000 and $287,200 in Washington State. In 2009, the mean cost of mobile homes was $217,598, of structures having five or more units was $205,062, of structures having three to four units was $137,859, of other attached units or townhouses was $380,371, of detached houses was $555,228, and of all housing units was $498,576. 

Call Us (206) 227-3237

There are 8,308 or 76.00% of the residents of Woodinville who are White, 1,217 or 11.10% who are Asian, 801 or 7.30% who are Hispanic, 269 or 3.40% who are at least two races, 151 or 1.40% who are Black, 39 or 0.40% who are American Indian, 34 or0.30% who are other races, and 19 or 0.20% who are Native Hawaiian. Of the residents of Woodinville who are at least 25 years old, 92.10% have a high school education or greater, 42.80% have a Bachelor’s Degree or greater, 13.20% have a professional or Graduate Degree, and 2.60% are unemployed. The mean time to commute to work is 25.8 minutes. Of the residents of Woodinville who are at least 15 years old, 24.60% have never been married, 59.60% are currently married, 1.00% are separated, 5.50% are widowed, and 9.30% are divorced. There are 19.00% of the workforce in Woodinville who are involved in technical, scientific, or professional services; 19.00% who are involved in construction; 17.00% who are involved in manufacturing; 9.00% who are involved in retail trade; 4.00% who are involved in social assistance and healthcare, and; 4.00% who are involved in food services and accommodations. There are 8.00% of the residents of Woodinville who are other management positions with the exception of farm managers and farmers; 7.00% who are engineers, 6.00% who are supervisors or other sales related workers, 4.00% who provide manufacturing and wholesale services or are sales representatives, 3.00% who are executives and, 3.00% who are supervisors, or maintenance, installation, and electrical equipment mechanics.

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