West Seattle Electricians

If you are looking for a reliable West Seattle electrician, look no further. Give us a call @ (206) 227-3237. Get a compentent certified master electrician at your door.

The high level of expertise of our electricians is something you can count on. There is nothing like a local electrician in West Seattle WA, who can be there when you need him/her.

About West Seattle Washington

West Seattle, Washington is located in King County. West Seattle encompasses all of Seattle west of the Duwamish River. The population of West Seattle is 21,684 as compared to a population of 20,826 in 2000 and 5,894,121 in Washington State in 2000. There are 18,446 Whites, 374 Black, 700 Hispanics, 787 Asians, 39 Hawaiians, and 202 Indians in West Seattle, as compared to 4,821,823 Whites, 190,267 Blacks, 322,335 Asians, 93,301 Indians, 23,953 Hawaiians, and 228,923 other races in Washington State. There are 9,975 males and 10,851 females in West Seattle as compared to 2,934,300 males and 2,959,821 females in Washington State. The median age of males is 29.4 years old and the median age of females is 41.5years old for an aggregate median age of 40.4 years old in West Seattle as compared to a median age of males of 34.4yeas olds and the median age of females of 36.3years old for an aggregate median age of 35.3 years old in Washington State. There are 10,990 households in West Seattle. The size of the average household in West Seattle is 1.95 people as compared to the size of the average household in Washington State of 2.53 people.

Call Us (206) 227-3237

There are 4,348 one person households in West Seattle. The value of the average house in West Seattle is $286,600. There are an estimated 6,773 home owners and 3,849 renters in West Seattle. There are 11,570 total housing units and 947 vacant housing units in West Seattle. The average income for a household in West Seattle is $54,563. The income per capita in West Seattle is $36.332. There are 48.00% of the residents of West Seattle who are college graduates. Of the residents of West Seattle who are at least 15 years old, 51.00% are currently married. There are 91.00% of the residents who speak English and 3.00% of the residents who speak Spanish. West Seattle has a land area of 2,985 square miles and 0.00 square mile of water area. The annual average rainfall in West Seattle is 38.25 inches and the air pollution index is 107. The low temperature in January averages 36 degrees F and the high temperature in January averages 55 degrees F. The low temperature in July averages 71 degrees F and the high temperature in July averages 74.5 degrees F. The annual temperature in West Seattle averages 50 degrees F. There are four private schools and four public schools in West Seattle.

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