If you are looking for a reliable Skyway electrician, look no further. Give us a call @ (206) 227-3237. Get a compentent certified master electrician at your door.
The high level of expertise of our electricians is something you can count on. There is nothing like a local electrician in Skyway WA, who can be there when you need him/her.
Skyway, Washington is located in King County. The population of Skyway was 15,645 according to the census that was taken in 2010. This represents an 11.90% increase in population since 2000. There are 7,577 or 49.40% of the population in Skyway who are male and 8,068 or 51.60% of the population in Skyway who are female. The median ages of the residents of Skyway are 37.5 years old as compared to the median age of the residents of Washington State of 56.6 years old. In 2009, the estimated median income of households was $55.284 as compared to $47385, in 2000 and $56,548 in Washington State. In 2009, the estimated median value of a condo or house In Skyway was $361,704 as compared to $177,400 and $287,200 in Washington State. In 2009, the estimated cost of occupied vans, RV’s, or boats was $302,570; of mobile homes was $55,578; of structures having five or more units was $168,394; of structures having three to four units was $651,689; of structures having two units was $129,648; of attached units of townhouses was $266,721; of detached houses was $359,905, and; of all housing units was $343,878.
Call Us (206) 227-3237
Areas We Serve
∙Algona ∙Auburn ∙Ballard ∙Beacon Hill ∙Beaux Arts ∙Bothell ∙Brier ∙Bryn Mawr ∙Burien ∙Capitol Hill ∙Coal Creek ∙Columbia ∙Covington ∙Dash Point ∙Des Moines ∙Dieringer ∙Earlmont ∙Eastgate ∙Edgewood ∙Edmonds ∙Fairwood ∙Federal Way ∙Greenwood ∙Hazelwood ∙Highlands ∙Houghton ∙Inglewood ∙Interbay ∙Jovita ∙Juanita ∙Kenmore ∙Kennydale ∙Kent ∙Kingsgate ∙Kirkland ∙Lake City ∙Lake Forest Park ∙Maple Valley ∙McMicken Heights ∙Medina ∙Mercer Island ∙Midway ∙Milton ∙Mountlake Terrace ∙Newcastle ∙Newport Hills ∙Normandy Park ∙Northgate ∙Pioneer Square ∙Redmond ∙Redondo ∙Renton ∙Richmond Beach ∙Richmond Highlands ∙Riverton ∙Riverton Heights ∙Seahurst ∙Seatac ∙Seattle ∙Shoreline ∙Shorewood ∙Skyway ∙The Highlands ∙Tukwila ∙University District ∙Wedgewood ∙West Seattle ∙Westwood Village ∙White Center ∙Wilderness Village ∙Woodinville ∙Woodmont Beach ∙Woodway ∙Yarrow Point
There are 4,797 or 30.70% who are Blacks, 4,240 or 27.10% who are Whites, 4,176 or 27.70% who are Asians, 1,208 or 7.70 Hispanics, 960 or 0.60% who are at least two races, 122 or 0.80% who are Native Hawaiians, 96 or 0.60% who are American Indians, and 46 or 0.30% who are other races. Of the residents of Skyway who are at least 25 years old, 84.10% have a high school education or greater, 23.70% have a Bachelor’s Degree or greater, 6.20% have a professional or Graduate Degree, and 6.00% are unemployed. The mean commute time to work is 28.3 minutes. Of the residents of Skyway who are at least 15 years old, 26.40% have never been married, 51.00% are currently married, 2.50% are separated, 6.90% are widowed, and 13.20% are divorced. There are 2,536 or 18.10% of the residents of Skyway who are foreign born as compared to 10.40% of the residents of Washington State. There is 19.00% of the workforce involved in manufacturing; 13.00% involved in construction 8.00% involved in retail trade;6.00% involved in technical, scientific, and professional services, and; 6.00% involved in food services and accommodations. There are 6.00% of the workers who are distributing, dispatching, scheduling, and material recording workers; 5.00% of the workers who are repairers, installers and mobile or vehicle equipment mechanics; 5.00% of the workers who have other management positions with the exception for farm managers and farmers; 4.00% of the workers who are supervisors, repair, maintenance, and installation workers or electrical equipment mechanics; 4.00% of worker who are computer specialists, and; 4.00% of workers who are truck drivers and sales/driver workers.
Areas We Serve
∙Algona ∙Auburn ∙Ballard ∙Beacon Hill ∙Beaux Arts ∙Bothell ∙Brier ∙Bryn Mawr ∙Burien ∙Capitol Hill ∙Coal Creek ∙Columbia ∙Covington ∙Dash Point ∙Des Moines ∙Dieringer ∙Earlmont ∙Eastgate ∙Edgewood ∙Edmonds ∙Fairwood ∙Federal Way ∙Greenwood ∙Hazelwood ∙Highlands ∙Houghton ∙Inglewood ∙Interbay ∙Jovita ∙Juanita ∙Kenmore ∙Kennydale ∙Kent ∙Kingsgate ∙Kirkland ∙Lake City ∙Lake Forest Park ∙Maple Valley ∙McMicken Heights ∙Medina ∙Mercer Island ∙Midway ∙Milton ∙Mountlake Terrace ∙Newcastle ∙Newport Hills ∙Normandy Park ∙Northgate ∙Pioneer Square ∙Redmond ∙Redondo ∙Renton ∙Richmond Beach ∙Richmond Highlands ∙Riverton ∙Riverton Heights ∙Seahurst ∙Seatac ∙Seattle ∙Shoreline ∙Shorewood ∙Skyway ∙The Highlands ∙Tukwila ∙University District ∙Wedgewood ∙West Seattle ∙Westwood Village ∙White Center ∙Wilderness Village ∙Woodinville ∙Woodmont Beach ∙Woodway ∙Yarrow Point